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Friday, July 8, 2011

War on terrorism

On going war on terror has seen many phases , many ups & downs but there are still many questions in the minds of natives. Were they (Allied Forces) able to counter the ills ? Were they succeeded to secure the world ? Could they claim the victory ? These are the questions which can not be side lined after spending huge funds to secure the world's peace. In the war on terror, brave soldiers & civilians paid their lives for the peace.
Conflicted areas where masses had to bear the bitterness of the war once they saw the invasion from Soviet Union , later from Taliban who came with the slogan of Islamic socialism where every single has the right to earn , to educate & enjoy the basic necessities of life but they failed however they were able to win the hearts of masses by offering education (Meddressah where poor children get religious education while enjoying the facilities of boarding) & charming religious slogans.
In Pakistan, it is told that Taliban created by world gamers to defeat their arch rival Soviet Union & they fuel them in the name of religion which they abandoned the policy once they succeeded in their mission. Could we say that history is going to be repeated when allied forces will say good bye to ill fated Afghanistan & vacuum will be filled by another type of miscreants who will rule like Taliban, if it would be so then there would be nothing but disaster.
Recently we have seen that far flung areas of Pakistan (Tribal areas) & Afghanistan are the main hide outs for terrorist including OBL/Mehsud because these areas are underdeveloped where literacy rate is as low as 1% & numbers of suicide bombers & miscreants came from these areas as they are easily brain washed.
One thing is very obvious that they (terrorist) have more scientific approach ; they not only cultivate a crop of young teenagers who are mentally washed & realised that they have to fight against the enemy who are to suppress their freedom , there religion , there culture & to capture their land.
On the other hand, the state failed to educate the youth , to build modern institutions so that a better generation can be brought to stream line. Hardly 1% of the GDP is being spent on education & without considering social sector how can someone claim that war on terror can be succeeded ?